The frenzy started innocently enough....just one hat. I knitted it on the way to New Orleans over Thanksgiving break.
Then I decided to knit a hat for each of the boys. Finished those and decided I had enough yarn to make a hat for each of the twins. Realized I couldn't leave out Seth and Avery so I knitted two more hats. Before you knew it, everyone had a new hat for Christmas.
Oh I love it. This is another thing on my list that I want to learn this year!
Amy, I am in awe at you. Canning, knitting... you put the rest of us to shame.
I'm going to do some canning next summer....knitting....probably not.
Happy New Year!!
Leah, I took a knitting class at Mountain Yarn. It is such a great store. They offer classes all the time. It is fun to sit around a table with ladies of all different ages and learn to knit.
Knitting has become my stress releaser. I wish I had more time to join a knitting group. Unfortunately most of them meet in the mornings. There is something very sweet about sitting around a table knitting together.
Oh and Leah...if you saw my house (especially my laundry room), you'd see that I'm no June Cleaver. I have a tendency to let anything and everything distract me from cleaning the house.
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