Labor Day 2007
We traveled with two other families to New Orleans for a mission trip. We went to
help Bro. Kemp repair the house he owns in the Ninth Ward. Before Hurricane Katrina, the home served as a church, half-way house, and safe place for those needing a meal and a bed.
We worked for two long (and hot) days.

The ladies tore down the plaster walls and the kids helped haul away the debris.

This is just one of the MANY piles of debris and trash that we hauled to the curb.
The guys worked outside to replace the damaged exterior walls.
Despite the hard work, we were only able to make a small dent in the huge project. We left New Orleans completely exhausted but blessed in a powerful way. Our time there as a family working side by side was incredible.
This summer we get to go back to Brother Kemp's house with the youth group from church. Our goal is to finish four rooms so that Bro. Kemp can FINALLY move back in his home.
A couple of weeks ago, Bob flew down with a couple of guys from our church to make a plan. They worked out a list of materials and supplies needed to complete the four rooms. The estimated cost is $17,000. They decided to raise the money for the project board by board, fixture by fixture. The youth group is asking church members, family, and friends to "buy" a sheet of drywall, a box of nails, a light fixture, bathroom faucet, etc. Piece by piece, donation by donation we hope to raise the funds to finish the four rooms.
I can't wait!
PS-Anyone interested in helping? Leave a comment and I'll get in touch.