This picture was taken right before a summer storm rolled in. The rainbow curved around the cloud. It was so vivid.
That's me...a lazy blogger. Too many things going on right now and very little motivation to post.
This month we went back to school. I had to move classrooms again and it took me awhile to get settled. I have made it known that if I move again, it will be out of the building to another school. I'm tired of packing and unpacking every year. I was a little leery of my students this year. They had earned themselves quite a reputation last year. So far, they are great and I couldn't ask for better students.
Clay's off to college. The paperwork was unending and I'm not sure we still have everything in order. He came home last weekend to spend time with his best friend who left Monday for boot camp. His parents had a going-away party on Sunday evening and the boys started to relive their past exploits. Most of them were harmless but a few involved putting one of the boys in the car trunk and another involved being pulled over by the Pennsylvania State Patrol. Luckily, no one was harmed (or arrested). We did finally find out why Bob's Army Ranger tag on the front of his truck was bent. (For the longest time, no one at our house had any idea how that happened.) He also found out that his truck had made it to the top of Bell Mountain and went through a creek in Cooper's Creek that came up to the hood. The truck keys have now been moved to a safe location and poor Adam won't ever get a chance to drive the truck.
Zach and Adam are playing football. They both had their first games this week and both teams won. Adam is a lineman on the middle school team. He is one of the bigger boys on the team and is showing a lot of potential. He made several good plays. Zach is playing Corner and had quite a few tackles last night. He loves to tackle and he hits hard. It is fun to watch them play. Both of them practice five days a week. Adam finishes practice around 6 PM and Zach finishes around 7 PM. It makes for some very long days at our house.
The canning season is coming to an end. I have a few tomatoes and green beans left to can. I also plan to can applesauce in the next week or so. After that, I'll pack up the canner. I didn't can as much this year. My garden was pitiful and I've relied on generous neighbors to help fill my jars. My mom and dad are on a trip to Alaska. Dad was worried that his garden would "go to waste" so I've canned beans, carrots, and tomatoes from their garden.
August is almost over and one of my favorite months is about the arrive. I love September. Cooler temperatures and lower humidity make it a perfect season in the North Ga mountains. October is always beautiful and I enjoy the colorful leaves, but a part of me hates to see the green go away.